Tofu originated in ancient China, but little else is known about the origins of tofu and its method of production.Tofu and its production technique were subsequently introduced into Korea, then Japan during the Nara period (late eighth century). It also spread into other parts of East Asia as well including the Philippines. This spread likely coincided with the spread of Buddhism as it is an important source of proteins in the religion's vegetarian diet. Tofu is very low in calories,contains a relatively large amount of iron and contains little fat. Depending on the coagulant used in manufacturing, the tofu may also be high in calcium and/or magnesium. Tofu also contains soy isoflavones, which can mimic natural human estrogens and may have a variety of harmful or beneficial effects when eaten in sufficient quantities
So how do you make a tofu at home? Here's a quick direction on how to make one.
Step 1: Clean 2 1/3 cups whole soybeans under running water. Remove debris or damaged soybeans.
Step 2: Soak the soybeans overnight in a bowl or other container in approximately 8 cups of water.
Step 3: Drain and rinse the soybeans in a colander.
Step 1: Grind the soybeans with 12 1/2 cups water in a blender until it makes a slurry. This can be done in batches if the blender doesn't hold it all.
Step 2: Pour the slurry into a pot on the stove.
Step 3: Bring the pot to a boil, stirring constantly.
Step 4: Once the slurry is boiling, turn it down to simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. Keep stirring.
Step 5: Filter the slurry through a cheesecloth or linen towel, saving the liquid in a bowl. Discard the ground up soybeans.
Step 1: Return the slurry to the pot and put it on low heat.
Step 2: Combine 2 tbsp. calcium sulfate with 1/2 cup water to make a coagulant solution.
Step 3: Add the coagulant to the slurry and stir.
Step 4: Put a lid on the pot and let it sit for 10 minutes.
Step 5: Check to see if the tofu has coagulated. There should be chunks of tofu curd. If not, you can add more coagulant.
Step 6: Strain the tofu, using a colander lined with cheesecloth or towel. Use the cheesecloth or towel to squeeze out excess water.
Step 1: Put the strained tofu in a tofu mold lined with cheesecloth.
Step 2: Fold the cheesecloth over the tofu and place the lid on it.
Step 3: Put a weight such as a can of food on the lid.
Step 4: Let the tofu sit in the mold for 20 or 30 minutes.
Step 5: Remove the tofu from the mold. It's now ready to use.
I hope with this information, you start making TOFU for a healthy diet!